RL Algorithm and Policy #
For training, we adopted the on-policy algorithm Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). PPO supports vectorized environments well and there is a large amount of online code examples surrounding it.
We tried to keep the policy itself simple. We wanted a policy that:
- Could have some way of processing sequential (time) data.
- Was small for faster training.
To handle time dependence we considered a few options:
- Stack observations over a time dimension. Then use some form of model that handles batches of sequential data, e.g., a 3D CNN or attention layer. However, the model’s input would linearly increase with the size of the stack. Stacking would have heavily slowed down training and require more VRAM than we have.
- Use a recurrent neural network such as an LSTM.
- Use a state space model (SSM).
We went with the easiest to integrate solution, an LSTM. An LSTM contains an internal state that gets input to the model alongside the most recent data point. In the best case, LSTMs can only remember on the order of 1000 steps. That was enough history for an effective policy.

An LSTM cell. The values c
and h
output by the LSTM are fedback in the subsequent call.
The policy ended up being ≈5M parameters or 20MB. For context, that’s 5 orders of magnitude smaller than Deepseek. Enough to fit on the average consumer GPU 400x over.
Inputting the Observations into the Policy #
In the previous sections we described the observation, but did not go into how each observation is input to the policy. The policy looks large, but it’s really an encoder for the previously described observations, e.g., normalizing continuous data. At the output, everything is concatenated and then input to the LSTM.
Pokémon Red Policy #
Pokémon Red Policy
--- config: theme: mc look: handDrawn --- flowchart LR Party_Network2["Party Network"] FinalConcat("Concat") Screen_Network2["Screen Network"] MapIDE("Map ID Embeddings
dim=4") MapID("Map ID") MapIDE2("Map ID Embeddings
dim=4") BlackoutMapId("Blackout Map ID") Mul("x") ItemIDE("Item ID Embeddings
dim=4") BagItemIds("Bag Item IDs") div100("/ 100") BagItemQ("Bag Item Quantities") Events("Events Completed Array") OneHot("One-hot") Direction("Direction") OneHot2("One-hot") BattleT("Battle Type") MissingEvents2("Missing Events") div502("/ 502.0") SafariZoneSteps("Safari Zone Steps Remaining") LSTM("LSTM
num cells=1") Linear3("Linear
size=512") ReLU4("ReLU") Party_Network2 --> FinalConcat Screen_Network2 --> FinalConcat MapID --> MapIDE MapIDE --> FinalConcat BlackoutMapId --> MapIDE2 MapIDE2 --> FinalConcat BagItemIds --> ItemIDE ItemIDE --> Mul BagItemQ --> div100 div100 --> Mul Mul --> FinalConcat Events --> FinalConcat Direction --> OneHot OneHot --> FinalConcat BattleT --> OneHot2 OneHot2 --> FinalConcat MissingEvents2 --> FinalConcat SafariZoneSteps --> div502 div502 --> FinalConcat FinalConcat --> Linear3 Linear3 --> ReLU4 --> LSTM
Party Network
--- config: theme: mc look: handDrawn --- flowchart LR Concat("Concat") SIDE("Species Embeddings
dim=4") SID("Species ID") Hp("HP") Status("Status") t1e("Type Embeddings
dim=3") t1("Type 1") t2e("Type Embeddings
dim=3") t2("Type 2") level("Level") MaxHp("Max HP") `ATTACK`("`ATTACK`") `DEFENSE`("`DEFENSE`") `SPECIAL`("`SPECIAL`") MovesE("Moves Embeddings
dim=4") Moves("Moves") Flatten1("Flatten") Linear1("Linear
dim=6") ReLU("ReLU") SID --> SIDE SIDE --> Concat Hp --> Concat Status --> Concat t1 --> t1e t1e --> Concat t2 --> t2e t2e --> Concat level --> Concat MaxHp --> Concat `ATTACK` --> Concat `DEFENSE` --> Concat `SPECIAL` --> Concat Moves --> MovesE MovesE --> Concat Concat --> Linear1 Linear1 --> ReLU ReLU --> Flatten1
Screen Network
--- config: theme: mc look: handDrawn --- flowchart LR Concat2("Concat") gamescreen("Game Screen
grayscale") visitedmask("Visited Mask
72x80") relu1("ReLU") Conv1("2D CNN
kernel size=8
stride=2") relu2("ReLU") Conv2("2D CNN
kernel size=4
stride=2") relu3("ReLU") Conv3("2D CNN
kernel size=3
stride=2") Flatten2("Flatten") gamescreen --> Concat2 visitedmask --> Concat2 Concat2 --> Conv1 Conv1 --> relu1 relu1 --> Conv2 Conv2 --> relu2 relu2 --> Conv3 Conv3 --> relu3 relu3 --> Flatten2
Missing Events
--- config: theme: mc look: handDrawn --- flowchart TB Rival3("Rival 3 Defeated Boolean") Lapras("Lapras Acquired Boolean") SaffronGuard("Drink Given Saffron Guard Boolean") GameCornerRocket("Game Corner Rocket")
Let’s summarize the shape and data type of each observations:
Observation | Shape | Data Type |
Screen | 72x80x1 | int |
Visited Mask | 72x80x1 | int |
Map ID | 1 | int |
Blackout Map ID | 1 | int |
Item IDs | 20 | int |
Item Quantities | 20 | int |
Agent Party | 6x11 | int |
Events Array | 2560 | boolean |
Direction | 1 | int |
Current Battle Condition | 1 | int |
Rival 3 Defeated | 1 | boolean |
Lapras Acquired | 1 | boolean |
Saffron Guard | 1 | boolean |
Game Corner Rocket Defeated | 1 | boolean |
Number of Safari Steps Remaining | 1 | int |
You may notice nodes where we divide by a constant. We normalize some constants so the values will be in the range [0, 1] for model training stability.
The CNN #
The screen obs and visited mask observations are concatenated together to make 2 “channels”. These channels are passed to a 2D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The kernel sizes of the CNN are designed with the GameBoy’s tile size (8 pixels) in mind.
One-Hot encoding #
One-hot encoding is a convenient technique to take a value representing a category and map it to a representation a model can understand. It’s useful when the number of categories is low.
Direction and battle state (in-battle, wild battle, trainer battle) are transformed to their one-hot encoded values.
Embeddings #
The map ID and blackout map IDs come from the environment as integers, but are transformed before input to the embedding layer. Embedding layers are a convenient way of representing categorical input in a low-dimensional space. Instead of one-hot encoding the map ID (255 dimensions), we use 4 floats to represent the map ID space. We chose 4 based on a recommendation from Google’s Machine Learning Crash Course. Google recommends using (# of categories)^.25 for the number of dimensions in an embedding layer.
Items held in the agent’s bag are also identified by ID. The Item IDs are passed to their own embedding layer. We scale the item embeddings by the item’s quantities; rersulting in a number between 0 and 1 where 0 maps to not in the bag and 1 maps the max number of the same item an agent can have.
Party Network #
All party data is concatenated together and passed through a small dense layer to create a “Pokémon” space.
Binary Vectors #
In RAM, events are stored as a 320-byte array with each bit optionally representing one in-game event. We unpack this aray into a 2560-byte vector, filter for flags that are used by the game and pass the vector to the policy. The event vector in RAM does not include Lapras, Rival 3, defeating the Game Corner Rocket and giving a drink to a Saffron Guard. We additionally pass these 4 “events” to the policy as they are “event”-like in our opinion.
Safari Steps #
The numbers of steps left in the Safari Zone is in the range [0, 502]. We normalize the steps observation to a value between 0 and 1 where 0 means no steps are left and 1 means you have the max number of steps remaining.
Final Model Layers #
Once all features have been transformed, all non-batch dimension data is flattened, concatenated and passed through a final linear layer before heading to the LSTM.