Field Interactions and Exploration

Field Interactions and Exploration #

Field moves are taught to Pokémon via “HMs.” These HMs can only be taught to specific Pokémon.

The 5 field moves of Pokémon are

  • HM01 - CUT
  • HM02 - FLY
  • HM03 - SURF
  • HM05 - FLASH

Only CUT, SURF, and STRENGTH are required for game progression. Although useful, FLY and FLASH aren’t required.

Using an HM #

Teaching and using an HM requires a minimum of 17 actions along with a Pokémon in the player’s party that is capable of learning the HM. 17+ actions are hard enough to give the player context for. Incentivizing the player to have HM capable party members when it is playing Pokémon for the first time without a guide is an even harder task!

Acquiring HM01 - CUT #

Teaching and using HM01 - CUT.

Teaching and using HM01 - CUT.

CUT is required to access two gyms in the game and access the route east of Cerulean City.

To acquire HM01, the player must:

  • Acquire the SS Anne ticket from Bill north of Cerulean City.
  • Board the SS Anne and battle their rival.
  • Help the captain of the ship.

The captain will reward the player with the item HM01.

HM03 - SURF #

Teaching and using HM03 - SURF.

Teaching and using HM03 - SURF.

SURF is required to access Blaine’s Gym and the route to the Elite 4.

To acquire SURF, the player must reach the end of the Safari Zone in less than 500 steps. At the end, the Safari Zone Warden will reward the player with HM03


Teaching and using HM04 - STRENGTH.

Teaching and using HM04 - STRENGTH.

STRENGTH is required to access the Elite 4. It is used to solve Sokoban-style puzzles. One of which is partially visualized above.

To acquire HM04, the player must:

  • Find the GOLD TEETH in the Safari Zone.
  • Bring the GOLD TEETH to the old man NPC in Fuchsia City

The old man will then reward the player with the item HM04

Acquiring and Using the Pokéflute #

Using a Pokéflute to wake up a Snorlax.

Using a Pokéflute to wake up a Snorlax.

Along with field moves, the player will need to use the item Pokéflute to unlock at least one of two routes to Fuchsia City.

Using Pokéflute is very similar to using an HM, which we took advantage of when designing rewards for Pokéflute.